A Fateful Flaw is a fictional tale set in the Judean wilderness immediately following the baptism of Jesus. Aided by the archangels Michael and Gabriel and other heavenly beings, God- now-man Jesus—shackled by time—grapples with human frailty and the sinister wiles of the devil. Whimsy and humor interlace pointed truths.

Through intimate interactions with historic biblical characters, the man Jesus explores the gift of free will and probes the insidious effect of temptation to alter the course of one’s life. In surprising one-on-ones with Satan, he experiences both the lure and the distraction of lust (caution: adult content!) and weighs the allure of immortality. In the end, it is the satan who is caught flat-footed.

For the Devout. Many will applaud the unique and added insights into the human-yet-divine tensions which Jesus face. Others may bristle as Jesus’s wilderness experience is viewed at times through a provocative lens. In the end, all will contemplate anew the fateful flaw and the good news of its promise.

For the Marginal, the Curious, and the “Nones.” Those who marginally ascribe to Christian understanding or tradition or who wonder about God or faith or who claim no religious affiliation will be entertained and intrigued by the Jesus character as a man who laughs, teases, cries, and grieves. They will be fascinated by the elusive and wily personality of the satan. Above all, they will encounter the surprising depth of God.

One certainty—A Fateful Flaw will prompt spirited conversation.

“A Fateful Flaw” is a must read for anyone who has ever tried to imagine what Jesus was like. The author has written the most refreshing interpretation of scripture I have experienced in the last decade. In breathing new life into the wilderness story found in those five short verses in Mark 1, he not only fills in the gaps but has blessed us with an important voice in modern Christology – providing a unique insight into Jesus the man. I could not put the book down and now I want everyone to experience this wilderness journey.

John Sundquist

I really enjoyed reading this book, as it kept me interested in what could be a “fatefal flaw” related to Jesus 40 days in the Wilderness. It opened my mind to how was Jesus possibly interacted with Satan. I embraced the human aspect of Jesus, and to be my Lord too.

Vicki L Hergott

This book is very well written and gives the reader fictional yet very imaginative story about Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness. It will help you consider the ways Jesus might have been tempted and how He remained
true to His mission. Kept me so engaged that I read it through in one sitting!

W. Price

A Fateful Flaw: The 40-Day Wilderness Journey of Jesus, was very thought provoking. It gives a look at Jesus as he is tempted while on earth and the characters he encounters. Each character helps Jesus understand the temptations that we as humans face. In turn, He gains strength to overcome Satan. A great book, as you follow each day you can’t wait to see what the next day’s encounter will bring.

T P Edwards

The book is full of surprises and fun. It is based on the Bible story of the Wilderness story with a 40-item appendix tying it to the Bible but filled with a wildly imaginative storyline to keep you turning pages. It’s a terrific subject for a book club leading to wild and fun conversation.

Joel Rentz

Larry does a tremendous job of narrating a fictional, yet believable story about the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness. The character development is superb, and I found myself fully engaged in every encounter and every event. I could not put the book down as I salivated in wonder of what would happen next!

Justin March

This book is extremely well written. Larry did a great job of capturing the true essence of known biblical scenes whereby we have all imagined. He placed his own spin on these noted ‘wilderness’ scenes without compromising them. I enjoy Larry’s thought provoking writing style. I sat multiple evenings with my coffee or tea slowly analyzing each chapter after closing my book. I would review each chapter in my mind once more remember why our God is sovereign. This overlying book’s message allowed me to get through a really tough time in my life. Great job Mr. Larry Moeller!

Carol Collins